Social responsibility indicators

The workplace certificate sticker in the company window.

Social responsibility indicators

Economic indicators
Turnover, €1,00057 16253 43857 400
Materials and services, €1,000-14 866-13 970-14 178
Personnel expenses, €1,000-25 263-26 654-27 571
Social indicators
Number of personnel, full-time (FTE), average423435442
Days lost through sickness4 2404 9834 719
Occupational accidents, workplace14138
Occupational accidents, journey/travel *)182017
Personnel training, €1,000-162-147-194
Personnel training, €/person365322417
Personnel satisfaction on a scale of 1-54,14,04,0
Personnel satisfaction, Employee Net Promoter Score544339
Satisfaction among blood donors, Net Promoter Score959595
Client satisfaction (on a scale from 4 to 10 **)9,4 n=1049,5 (n=105)9,5 (n=98)
Environmental indicators
Electricity consumption, MWh ***)603261901904
Water consumption, m3 ***)12 42311 6753130
District heat consumption, MWh ***)4 8274 544779
Incinerable waste, kg ***)62 39770 18722 549
Sorted municipal waste, kg ****)156 095189 18687 326
Hazardous waste, kg ***)9 54115 8018 574
Travel days10 54011 04110 724
Other indicators
Number of blood donations (whole blood and platelets)187 638183 630179 328
Number of blood donors (whole blood and platelets)107 911109 567107 976
Persons registered at blood donations113 006115 530114 140
Reported adverse reactions of blood transfusion283294337
Grafts delivered by the Stem Cell Registry138110156
Number of members in the Stem Cell Registry (31 Dec)62 57765 10872 976
Biobank donors (31 Dec)65 42270 122

*) Work-related travel or a journey between home and work.

**) The average score for all responses.

***) Figures refer to the Blood Service headquarters, which was relocated to Vehkala, Vantaa, at the end of 2022. The figures for 2021 and 2022 also include subtenants.

****) Figures refer to the Blood Service headquarters. The incinerable special waste arising from healthcare in 2021 and 2022 includes the waste from the mobile unit circulating in the capital region.